Blog Awards!

blog-awardone-lovely-blog-awardThe Rules

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award / The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees.
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

Thank You to Cancer In My Thirties, a courageous woman who serves as a great inspiration.

Thank you also to The Crafty Pioneer, a super talented woman. Be sure to check out her post on “friendly bombs.”

Seven things you may or may not know about me:

  1. I was born in Canada but I now live in Southern California. Since the time I could talk, I would tell anybody who’d listen that I was moving to California. According to my spiritual beliefs, happy “memories” from a previous life called me back here.
  2. I graduated from college exactly 20 years after I graduated from high school.
  3. My husband “made” me go to the graduation ceremony. I’m grateful that he did; it was one of the happiest days of my life. I realized that “standing up” for myself is important.
  4. 11 days after I graduated from college, my first son was born. At my graduation ceremony, my husband said, “You look like a big black pumpkin!”
  5. I brag to people about my low cholesterol – 127, if you are wondering (the lowest of an excellent score is 125). Yes!!!
  6. A life without chocolate would be no life at all. I pursue moderation but it remains elusive.
  7. On more than one occasion, I have dropped my kids off at my gym childcare and, instead of working out, I’ve just taken a shower and done my hair. So peaceful.

Drumroll, please. My nominees for this award:

  1. Foolish Sage Wisdom
  2. Maple Avenue Juice
  3.  The I Am Program
  4. Small House Big Garden
  5. Murphy Must Have Had Kids
  6. Ice Scream Mama
  7. Just Another Manic Mommy
  8. All Things Healthy
  9. Emily Cooks Vegan
  10. Seth Snap