Dentist to Easter Bunny: “Cease and Desist”

Every year we read The Night Before Easter by Natasha Wing. The story is awesome and we love it but the Easter Bunny in the book brings an excessive amount of candy.

“Is the Easter Bunny going to drop candy all over the floor?” Big Guy asked hopefully as he set out his Easter basket. He has a sweet tooth like his Mom.

“No. Actually, he’s not. He’s bringing toys this year and hardly any candy at all.”

“No, no, no. Santa brings toys – the Easter Bunny brings candy,” he patiently explained.

“Well, I just read on the internet that the Coalition of Dentists sent the Easter Bunny a letter and asked him to cut way back on all that candy. All the kids were getting too many cavities from too much sugar.”

Big Guy crossed his arms in front and looked at me through narrowed eyes. “How could they write him a letter? They don’t know where he lives.”

“Right. You’re right. It wasn’t a letter. They sent him an e-mail.”

Happy Easter!